Username: sweetpeas62

Hi just signed up to this i find it very much like ebay except no fees......... lol, plus you can swap anything within reason!!
I have 100% feedback on my ebay account and i hope to do the same on here, i'm honest and reliable and stick to the rules with anything and i expect to be treated the same, i hate it when ppl waste my time and scammers i know who you are thanks to other ppl i've swapped with i want them to know i appreciate them drawing the scammers to my attention. I hope you like my items and i hope to do lot's of swapping thanks for reading this regards Dawn xxxx

PS. Do not swap with princesstatty she scammed me on my very first swap don't trust her or believe anything she says!
PPS I've just done my 50th Swap today 2/11/10 thanks to Sandie28 she is a lovely lady and great to swap with very reliable Thank you Sandie28 :):) xx

Member since: Jun 22, 2010        Last site visit: Jun 18, 2012        Right now:  Offline

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