Username: buggaboo29

DONT TRUST PRINCESSTATTY SHE IS A LIEIN PIECE OF SCUM SHE KNOWS THE SCORE........ hi i am a 29yr old honest trusting girl 100% genuine i wont rip ppl off as i wouldnt like it done to me.cos if ya do do it to me i will go further than u cud ever imagine cus ya not only rippin me off your rippin my 5kids off as it costs to post things out n if ya rip me kids off its a whole diff ball game and i will INVOLVE THE POLICE N GO FURTHER IF NEEDED.... otha than that i am a sound girl :) I have 5 gorg kids who i love to bits i have bein married for 2yrs now but been together with my hubby for 10yrs my eldest child is 9 the youngest is 1yr. i also have 23tattoos all done by my gorg husband the one on my profile pic is one of his he did on me n oh my that hurt lol

Member since: Jun 29, 2010        Last site visit: Aug 16, 2011        Right now:  Offline

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