Firehouse dog dvd

Location: Scotland - Fife
Swap Value: 1 penny


In director Todd Holland's family film FIREHOUSE DOG, Hollywood's top canine star, Rexxx (played by a number of Irish terriers), is forced out of his pampered lifestyle when an accident leaves him far from home and presumed dead. Taken in by Shane (Josh Hutcherson), the son of a firehouse captain (Bruce Greenwood), Rex becomes the struggling fire department's unlikely mascot, and is gradually forced to give up his snooty behaviour while embracing the selfless and daring duties involved in firefighting. And as the stubborn Shane forges a bond with Rexxx, he also begins to heal the rift with his sullen, hard-working father.
Helmed by TV comedy vet Holland, FIREHOUSE DOG mixes animal-driven action and laughs with a poignant father/son storyline. And though the lead mutt(s), Hutcherson (star of '07's BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA), and seasoned actor Greenwood are all fine in their roles, the film is bolstered by an excellent supporting cast that includes Bree Turner, Dash Mihok, Steven Culp, Bill Nunn, and Mayte Garcia (Prince’s former wife). Ideal for firefighting enthusiasts, dog lovers, and tween viewers, FIREHOUSE DOG doesn't reinvent the canine-centric movie, but it's an entertaining instalment in the subgenre that stands (on four legs) on par with AIR BUD and BEETHOVEN.

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