Username: thecavemanleese

hey im a honest guy i dont mess around and i do research anything before i commit to aa swap.... i know alot of people want things for litraly nothing but i will give what they are worth and i dont like piss takers and fucking time w8sters

im here to swap and or make money and some times loose money if you have something i like

and as i have been messed around allot on here evry time i get fucked around youre name gets added in the list as follows :

gibowayne92 < a compleat and utter time w8ster never deal with this guy
haytreenova11 same time w8ster messages you makes swap praposuls then just fuckes around
markholland2012 < compleat rude asshole

Member since: Aug 1, 2011        Last site visit: Dec 5, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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