Username: taylor160975

well here we go. just met this swapper for the 1st time today. i thought i was good, but this swapper beats me hands down. i have met most on site and can asure swapper they dont dont any better or more genuine than malc. ie this swapper. 100% true man of his word in every department. to be honest i carnt rate this swapper high enough. and ive done a few ratings in my time..would recomend to all top swapper. very highly recomended. but dont take my word for it check the lad out and do a deal with him yourself. as they say the proof is in the pudding and ive ate some lol. not only a credit to himself but also the done and dusted inside 5 mins just the way i like to deal..hoping to deal again with this swapper in the near future. very genuine and honest swapper, couldnt have asked for more. made swapping a breeze and a pleasure, now you carnt say that on all deals.100% A1+++++ swapper pretty much says it all. thanks malc. maybe deal again sometime. top man and top swapper pleasure dealing with you mate. stay in touch,

Member since: Oct 30, 2010        Last site visit: Dec 4, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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