Username: shazzarankin

I'm very honest and will NOT RIP ANYONE OFF!!!! I Will treat you as i expect to be treat myself... I Enjoy swapping with other genuine swappers and manners dont cost a thing!!!!!!, alot of messers on here so please dont offer me anything if your going to mess me about or not be honest about the item. No point in wasting each others time. Im Great At Fixing Phones, And Other Electrical Equitment Such As PC,s, Iv Also Fixed RROD On 3 Xbox 360, If I Can't Do It. Give It A Try.We Also Made The Easter Hat You See In My Picture.Swapz Is A Great Site And I Use It Daily And Met Some Nice People From Swapping Things We No Longer Need :)

Member since: May 31, 2010        Last site visit: Sep 23, 2012        Right now:  Offline

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