Username: scissor_kid

I fucking hate the ignorant priggs on here that think they're too good to send a reply, even if it's just a one word answer. And even worse are the arse wipes that show interest and then waste your time with complete bullshit. Fuck off on ebay where u belong, don't turn this site to shit. For all you straight talking no crap members on here, I salute you.
p's. If you can't meet half way, I don't want to hear from you, after all, if you can't show ur car will get from a to b, I'm not interested.
All my swaps show their reg N's so proving I'm not hiding any history about them. So if u want to deal with me, be straight. If I catch u in a lie, I'm gone... Simples.
And by the way, no V5 means a seller is trying to hide something, you simply can't have owned the car for months or years and still only have the green slip!!!

Member since: Sep 11, 2013        Last site visit: Sep 25, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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