Username: phil696946

well what can i say,im a 45year old,single father of 1,my little daughter is the most important thing in my life,im really into cars,bikes anything off road wise,computing & cb ham radio,, i like swaping/trading my stuff,if i cant make use of stuff than maybe someone else can & vice versa,im honest & trusting if in doubt contact swapz users neil1885 or smithy89 who will gladly varify that i am trustworthy as ive been doing swapz with these 2 for may years untill i heard of this site,,
im not out to scam or rip people off & wouldn't like it done to me either.i will answer all messages sent asap.just out for some good swapz.

Member since: May 26, 2009        Last site visit: Jun 28, 2009        Right now:  Offline

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