Username: peterexmouth

URGENT WARNING! Facebook now automatically scans your brain through your monitor. To block, go to kitchen, get aluminium foil, and wrap it around your head. Stay calm and breathe through your LEFT NOSTRIL ONLY. This is a SERIOUS problem and has been confirmed by a friends cousin's girlfriend's neighbor's son's baby's mama and her pet chihuahua.

scammer list

Swapped With: sharpei2010 Swap Date: 09 May, 2011
Delivery Info
mathew hinton
28 ullswater av
Landline Phone: 07871807862
Mobile Phone: 07871807862
took my home surf tablet and seid it was broke and was sending it back but never got it he is just a scammer

Member since: Sep 20, 2010        Last site visit: Dec 2, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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