Username: navdaman

Hey i am a big fan of hannah Montana so anything to do with disney plz tell me so i can swap it 4 sumthing if u would lyk me 2 swap sumthing i wud be happy 2 if i am interested in it plz don`t try 2 scam me cos i am fair and square lyk da x factor don`t lyk da thingz u hav on ur swapitz then it is a no.
So please put nice items on your account which u think people will buy lyk magazines,books(horror and adventure) albums which r in da charts mp3,4 ,ipods, dvd`s,mobile phones, Wii, Nintendo ds.
Thankyou very much...

Member since: Aug 15, 2009        Last site visit: Aug 23, 2009        Right now:  Offline

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