Username: mrstattoo22

hi im amanda and im married and have a daughter. Im into my tattoos i am nearly covered in them so if any1 wants offer to do me a tattoo for sumthin then feel free altho ul av competition as my hubby does them lol. I am also training to do tattoos so once im confident at them i could do tattoos for some swapz.
i am on here to deal with decent people as i dont deal with timewasters or silly offers.
i am a genuine person who sticks to my word.
i am interested in clothes, jewellery and makeup the usual girly stuff lol.
avoid lisabell she is a scammer shes had my money n not sent the item altho she says she has.
Edhardyking is a top bloke I got a decent laptop off him. Adam5531 top bloke got a tattoo kit off him within few hours of sorting the deal out.
Read my rating n feedback ul see im trustworthy

Member since: Jun 3, 2014        Last site visit: Dec 4, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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