Username: mel1234567

i am totally genuine and this site looks like fun but like ebay probably has a lot of timewasters.guess i will learn as i go on.all my swaps are exactly as described and i do not intend to mislead anyone.with over 18000 100% positive feedback on ebay you can be assured that it is what i say it is.i would prefer to swap certain things of my own rather than sell them as this way we can hopefully not lose too much.if you are a timewaster like the person who trailed me 70 miles to buy a macbook then didnt turn up then please look on another page.because i want to deal with genuine people like the person i met when i first joined that came 150 miles to meet me,did the swap and went home!!!i have no doubt my blocked list on here will be full soon but if you are genuine then i would love to deal with NO TIMEWASTERS please.AND NO BIKES CARS GUNS OR GAMES CONSOLES PLEASE!

Member since: Jun 1, 2011        Last site visit: Dec 3, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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