Username: mattjdlewis

I am 24yrs young, Live in brighton but work in colchester essex as part of the H M Forces, i stumbled across this website and find it very interesting i would like to get a couple of swaps in so i can build up my reputation!

My key interests - i have a thing for anything that has pistons, (pistonhead) or moves mechanicly, technolidgy is also keen interest of mine but my favorite pasttime is physical exercise! i do PT 2 if not 3 times a day as part of my job and i love it! i take a big interest in boxing aswell.

MY Job - Im based in colchester (colly) and have been for 6years now, i utterly enjoy my role as a paratrooper in the army and couldnt imagine me doing anything else atm. i have been on 3 operational tours afghan x2 and iraq x1. also been on training exercises to kenya, cypres, scotland, wales ect ect...

Home life - i have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world and i love spending time with her and our family, no kids just parents on both sides :) we plan to move out and buy our own place soon so everything swapped on here will be put into our future together.

if theres anything else you would like to know about me, my job ect ect please ask (just no silly questions please)

Member since: Apr 13, 2011        Last site visit: Apr 14, 2012        Right now:  Offline

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