I'm Into most things really, If its electrical i want one :-)
I try & get on with everyone so if you have something of interest please get in touch. I always try & reply as its nice to see something in your 'Inbox', especially when you've sent out loads of questions or proposals etc..I'm always after things for my 2 kids too so offer anything they might like (1yr & 5yr old girls).
I have earned trust from being honest, genuine & freindly & by sending 1st to swappers with more feedback than myself, for this reason i will never send first to people with less swapz than me (regardless of item amount). Naturally if you have more (GOOD) feedback from swapz I will happily send first. :-)
Happy Swappin'........
P.S, Thanks to the 'My Guests' facility all users can see if our Swapz profile has been viewed...SO IF YOU LOOK AT MY SWAPZ BECAUSE I HAVE ASKED ABOUT A SWAP WITH YOU AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY TO REPLY. It takes 1 minute to say 'yes' or just 'no thanks'..... :-)
Member since: Mar 31, 2008
Last site visit: Dec 2, 2014
Right now: