Username: mad_max

im 28 years old not some kid or rip off merchant i work hard for the things i own and wouldnt expect nowt for free always looking for a bargain and if someone has something you want then this is the place

not here to be messed around or to rip people off i live in manchester and would rather meet up or im more than happy for you to come to me to swap splitting traveling expenses usually costs as much as posting..

No matter how high your rating is i will not post first as there are scammers everywhere these days so dont ask me to post ..

I wouldnt offer you a swap unless prepared to travel so dont offer me 1 unless your willing to post first if your to far as its pointless!

im into cars , mobile phones, laptops ,pc,s and computers

Member since: Mar 25, 2009        Last site visit: Apr 3, 2009        Right now:  Offline