Username: jamtart

im an ex-wholesaler with loads of great gear still left over, if you have arranged a swap but seen it assigned to someone else, dont worry because i have several of everything.

im a single father now, and am desperatly on the look-out for items for my toddlers bedroom and the teenage daughters in my life.

I usually only post on saturdays, i know im new and have no ratings yet, but some of the things i have are expensive, google my items if you dont believe, so if my item is more expensive than yours id like you to post first, im not a time waster, iv too much at stake.

most of my items cozt a bit on postage too, as most is quite heavy and usually costs about £9 or more depending on size and weight, remember the new post rules go by size now

Member since: Mar 7, 2008        Last site visit: Mar 24, 2008        Right now:  Offline

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