Username: diavol20004

I'm a fair and honest swapper. If I say I'm doing a deal then that's what I'm going to do. If I'm doing a deal with you and don't hear from you for more than 3 days, I'll assume you're another time waster determined to mess up this great site and I'll withdraw the deal and block you, that's fair I think.
If you have a legitimate question please contact me, I always reply. If you make a stupid or insulting offer don't expect a nice reply but at least it'll be courteous.
Threats and all the other distasteful things that go on here will just be reported, and again you'll be blocked.
I've had loads of swaps on here, the majority of them were good, my best tip for success on here is be honest, if ur whatever turns out not to be what u describe it to be, then I'll always walk away, because ultimately the stuff I have to swap on here is stuff I don't mind keeping.
Thanks and happy swapping

Member since: Nov 18, 2010        Last site visit: Jun 10, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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