Username: damo924

I agolopize to all the genuine swappers for what you are about to read, but this site seem to be full of dreamers, timewasters, and numpties.

Any swap I put on the site will be priced realistically due to age and condition. If you offer me something, make sure it is worth for worth.
Don't be trying the " if you put money to yours, you can have mine ". Gee thanks for the favour, mmmmm let me think about it. Hows about " NO " . If I want to put cash to my swap, I will say so in the listing.
If you offer me a swap and I refuse it, it will be for a genuine reason. Don't waste both our times by trying to pester, it is the quickest way to finding yourself on the blocklist.
Don't be trying to hoodwink, con, scam, pull a flanker, duck and dive, it won't work. I didn't come down in the last shower. Anything i think is a bit dodgy, will get flatly refused, period!!!!

I am an honest swapper, who lists both the good points, aswell as the bad. This way we all know what we are getting, and everyone leaves happy.

Member since: Jul 30, 2009        Last site visit: Sep 18, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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