Username: ThePaperclipChallenge

Hi, my name is Michael Cheung, and the purpose of this "Paperclip Challenge" is to start with a paperclip and trade for something better. Then after that I trade and trade and trade until I get myself to the goal of getting a FLAT!!! Or best case scenario.........a HOUSE!!! (A big one :P)

It's a daunting task but then again its not called "The Paperclip Challenge" for nothing! If you are interested then please send an e-mail to MHYCheung@hotmail.CO.UK.

To see my journey please visit my website at:


TRADE 1: Paperclip for a Ring
TRADE 2: Ring for a Teddy Bear
TRADE 3: Teddy Bear for a Snooker Cue
TRADE 4: Snooker Cue for a BMX Bike
TRADE 5: BMX Bike for a Mini Motorbike
TRADE 6: Mini Motorbike for..................... who knows?

Member since: Dec 26, 2006        Last site visit: Feb 3, 2008        Right now:  Offline