Username: Saxvtr

I am a genuine straight up swapper, i dont muck about like alot of royal prats on here with there junk and there rip offs with stuff that either doesn't work or its just pure sh*t so if ur going to offer me a pencil or rubber for my items then seriously lol fu*k off.

I once almost had a car from off here and the bloke must of thought i was some mug and didn't realise id bring a mechanic with me to check the car over lol, turned out the head gasket had gone and the rear axle was slightly bent and so on and the bloke knew i had kids so goes to show people on here are out to fu*k u over so if ur one of them then i aint daft il look over the cars and test things out before i go further with any swap or purchase i go through with.

Member since: Jan 3, 2013        Last site visit: Aug 29, 2013        Right now:  Offline

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