Swap history

Swapped with Rating Comments
Dec 29, 2005
Description: Very misleading
Communication: Terrible
Delivery: A bit slow
Long story... we swapped when he got my phone he complained that it suposivly "barred on UK networks" he gave me a mouthful over the phone million and one swears... threatened me to send his phone back.. so i agreed to send his phone back and he agreeded to pay me for the postage..so i sent his phone back as promised...he recieved it - Thank You... He then took AGES to send my phone back..due to 'problems' with the train...FINALLY he sent it back i recived it A. he lied to me about sending me the postage money... B. Funnyly enough my phone got 'unbarred' during the post as it was WORKING perfectly when i opened it back... C. Sent him numerous mails he finally sent one back saying that he will post the money...been over THREE weeks andd guess what HE HASNT EVEN SENT IT!!! wat a surprise. The guy completely wasted my time! and one MORE thing this is quoted from one of his messages he sent me " Because I'm an honest guy who has been trading phones for nearly ten years with no hassle or bad feedback. I suspect the same couldn't be said of you." ohh hahahha what a JOKE the guy hasnt even got ANY feedback..and sorry to say kevin ive got ALL positive feedbacks on my account so you cant complain!..
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