First of all can i just shout to everybody that this is a swaps site so don't go offering me money for my items or asking for money for yours. I'm on here to swap NOT sell/buy.
Ever heard that saying "one mans junk is another mans treasure" well i like to believe in that saying and like to think that others do aswell. I have various items to swap from Electrical items to clothing that i no longer use. All items that are on here are tested by me for faults and if any exist they are listed in the description so please make sure you read everything before agreeing to a swap. I'm a genuine swapper who isn't looking to make profits or easy items and i expect the same from the people i deal with. So please look at my items, read descriptions and ask questions and hopefully we can make a SWAP..
I don't mind posting first if your ratings are higher than mine and you have less than 10 bad comments otherwise you post first. If i post first and your item dosn't arrive i will be contacting the local Police showing them our agreement and that you have not sent item so be warned don't think you can scam me because you will lose. If your local or within a 25 mile radious of my hometown then my girlfriend may deliver but may require fuel costs.
Member since: Sep 16, 2011
Last site visit: Dec 22, 2013
Right now: