Username: 123staffybull

Hi all Im a father of 2, I am a self employed builder and computer technition, I am honest, Sensible and reliable. Alls that i ask is the same from anyone i deal with, My transport is limited as i use a motorcycle, I dont mind meeting half way within reason but i will never post first as i have been scammed twice now, I have upgraded my account to premium so people can have a little more confidence in me and i will always give my mobile and home number upon request, And finaly please dont try to swap me for overpriced items like a nintendo DSI valued at £300-£400 and a damaged LG COOKIE for my xbox 360 package with a value of atleast £150+, I will not answer to any stupid offers,Thanks to all the genuine swappers...

Member since: Apr 17, 2009        Last site visit: Dec 4, 2014        Right now:  Offline

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