Privacy Policy

swapz™ deems your privacy paramount. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy:

swapz Privacy Policy Covers:

1. This Privacy Policy covers swapz;™ treatment of personally identifiable information that is collected when you are on the swapz site.

2. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that swapz does not own or control, or to people that swapz does not employ or manage.

Information Collection and Use:

1. swapz collects personally identifiable information when you register to use the swapz site.

2. When you register with swapz, we ask for your name, postal address, email address, and additional information that we reserve the right to add to or remove at any time. Once you register with swapz and log onto to our site to sell or bid, you are not anonymous to us.

3. swapz reserves the rights to receive and record information on our server logs from your browser including your IP Address, swapz cookie information (if implemented) and the page you requested.

4. swapz uses information for following general purposes: to ensure you are of the correct age to use our services, to be able to contact you and /or arbitrate should you have any transaction issues, and to contact you about specials offers and new developments relating directly to the swapz site.

Information Sharing and Disclosure:

1. swapz will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone.

2. swapz may send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people when:

a. We need to share your information to provide the product or service you have requested;

b. We respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; or

c. We find that your actions on our web sites violate the swapz User Agreement, or any of our usage guidelines for specific products or services.


swapz reserves the right to set and access swapz cookies on your computer.

Your Ability to Edit and Delete Your Account Information and Preferences:

1. swapz gives you the ability to edit your Personal Information and preferences at any time.

2. You may request deletion of your swapz account by emailing us at or by following details shown in help sections on the swapz site, verifying your password and confirming your choice to terminate the account.


1. Your swapz Account Information is password-protected for your privacy and security.

2. In certain areas swapz may use industry-standard SSL-encryption to protect data transmissions.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

swapz may amend this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you either by email or by posting a prominent announcement on our site.

Questions or Suggestions:

If you have questions or suggestions please email us at